Love Mug + Bouquet Gift
Love Mug + Bouquet Gift Love Mug + Bouquet Gift Love Mug + Bouquet Gift Love Mug + Bouquet Gift Love Mug + Bouquet Gift

A gift that keeps on giving! Gift a beautiful bouquet of flowers in a mug that is just as lovely. They’ll treasure the mug long after the flowers last.

Mugs are made by hand in Joshua Tree by ZZIEE Ceramics. 

Bouquets will be arranged by Do Right Flower Farm, based in Davenport, CA. All flowers were grown by Do Right Flower Farm.

Choose your mug color - pink, yellow, or green.

Pickup in store only

Available Tuesday February 13th and Wednesday February 14th.

Store Hours 11am–6pm

Stripe, 107 Walnut Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060