JENNIFER HAMILTON Presence Conceptually, Presence is an expression of abstract feeling. Its purpose is to communicate the importance of self-reflection, memory, and awareness of our personal perceptions. Perception also echoes in the nature of the work, it shifts between sculpture and photography with both 2D and 3D elements — blending...
art. events. people.
January First Friday
Elly's Shoes | TINA FULLER SOMERS This series was inspired by the incredible shoe collection of my husband’s late grandmother, Eleanor “Elly” Clara Somers. Born 1925 in the Bronx, New York, she learned about beautiful clothes and shoes from her mother Serena, an expert seamstress who worked for the designer James...
December First Friday
LILI ARNOLD My work over the last few years was initially born from curiosity. What began as a study and representative expression of flora and fauna slowly morphed into a dedicated body of work in which I found myself as an artist for the very first time. With block printing...
November First Friday
TAUNA COULSON Most often said about my work is its order, attention to detail and balance — its harmony. After 20+ years as a graphic designer my grid theory, negative space and hierarchy of information are evident. I’m most interested in color and its myriad ways it can be presented...
October First Friday
ATESSA FARMAN 35mm can be disappointing — it can be exhausting, unexpected, and let’s be real — expensive. But in spite of this, and in many ways because of this, it is one of the most rewarding endeavors I have experienced. Although my love affair with film began about five...