Artist Statement: I grew up exploring the wild places of California, from the rolling oak savannas of my native Santa Barbara to the high Sierras and redwood coasts. After earning a degree in printmaking at UCSC I have spent the last few years working with plants as a farmer and...
art. events. people.
Each month we at Stripe and Stripe Men host a local artist through Santa Cruz's First Friday Art Tour. If you don't know what that is, it's an event that is held on the first Friday of every month. On this night, local businesses display an array of art, as they...
Stacy Frank at Stripe
Since taking her first printmaking class at Cabrillo College in 1994 Stacy has been exploring the techniques of pushing ink into paper. The series of Stripes monoprints featured in this one-month show are created using various printmaking techniques including collagraphy, drypoint, carborundum, offset and ghost printing. Once the prints dry...
Shannon Belardi at Stripe MEN
My work is an exploration of mark making across three mediums – drawing, etching and oil paint on canvas. In these recent drawings and etchings, I investigate different ways of organizing accumulated marks on paper by abstracting them into a harmony of grids and spectrums. These works are spawned from...