"The Birds and The Bees" is a show comprised of current as well as previously shown prints. The idea behind this show was to create a large body of work through three different stages, all having one interwoven theme. The core theme, "El Jardin" or "The Garden" can be split...
Posts tagged: stripe MEN
Derek Pratt & Kai Smart at Stripe MEN
Derek Pratt and Kai Smart are both artists from the Santa Cruz,CA area. Derek currently works at F U Tattoo and Kai at Chimera Tattoo. At Stripe MEN they will be coming together to showcase their work including sketches, tattoos, and paintings. Kai Smart is a tattoo artist in...
Stripe Featured on Design Sponge!
Photo Courtesy of Designsponge.com Congratulations and thank you to our wonderful friend and local journalist Christa Martin who is responsible for the local fashion blog The Penny Rose, who was just featured on Design Sponge! Her Santa Cruz city guide features some of the best local eateries, coffee, shopping, and...