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For me, art has always been a visual language and a valid one. The arts describe culture, challenges it, and has the tenacity to leave us with only questions – demanding we take engage in a difficult and existential process for meaning.  I feel personally driven in this search and see this human need of creating from the material at hand – the act of mark-making. I finally have a confidence to pare away the non essentials and move towards a visual content that culminates in “ceremonial surfaces” , a process of alchemy that comes out of physical material and into another and equally valid reality of our environment and culture.  Lately, I’ve recognized that the pattern and design of our physical world as seen through ceremonial language may help us to heal what we’ve done in our hubris and alienation from from the natural world.

So the question for me is to “see” the language of art exploring the alchemy of material into a more coherent  and complete reality of human life – the Logos of it all.  Physical material transformed and placed in a creative process begins to point to a reality greater than its raw substance - ex materia (out of material).

Friday December 6th

5-9 pm

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